Thursday 8 May 2014

Late night thoughts

Its funny how when you have someone beside you, it seems like things will never work out. But when that someone leaves, you'll be left alone reminiscing all good that was left behind and forgetting every single reason why it didn't work out.

We often blame everything/everyone we could think of - your friends, my friends, time, place, situations, you or even me myself etc. But were we meant for each other in the first place? What if things didn't work out for a much better reason?

I think of you everyday. Its like you never leave my mind for a single sec, often lingering at one corner waiting for any opportunity to give me a little knock inside saying " Hey remember me? I'm your ex-boyfriend, the one you can't seem to get over no matter what. " And that, really sucks lol.

But oh wells, life goes on. I can't stay hung up on you and stay stagnant in life while everyone around me advance much quickly than i do. We've come to a stage whereby nothing can be changed, undone or reversed. I need to get my life back on track and the first step to doing so will be kicking that annoying voice of yours out of my head and start being me, happy me.

Yi Ling

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