Tuesday 6 May 2014

Its been awhile.

Hi there.
Its been 5 years since i last pended down my thoughts on a platform like this. I miss writing about everything that is happening in my life, i miss being able to express myself on my own space and i miss everything about having a blog.

And to why i'm starting to write again is because i recently came across a blog i had when i was 15. It held so much memories of mine and it shows how much i've grown as a person. It's nice looking back and reminiscing about the lost days :) So here i am, starting this diary journey of mine again :)

Okay so i had school from 3-5 today. My new PMKT tutor is really nice and i like her a lot. It makes me wanna work hard even more for this stupid module that i have to retake haha. The weather these few weeks is MADNESS. I hate how warm it is. Can Singapore snow already?:(

Yi Ling x

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