Sunday 25 May 2014


Fun night with the happy bunch last night :) From singing K to impromptu supper treat from officer Chuah and mahjiong at my place till 7am.

And the terror started at 11am. Had to wake up then for work all the way till 7. I was literally a walking dead T.T 

Okay and i realised i have the bitchy tendency in me lurking somewhere deep inside HAHAHA. Was looking at waffles machine after work today at Best when this phone beside the machine rang. It rang for a long while and obviously, angst me wasn't very happy. So without a second thought, i picked up the phone and slammed it back down immediately without realising the salesman was already walking over to answer it HAHAHAHA. 

Okay i'm really DRAINED. Time for a bath and head to bed soon ^^ Good day to everyone out there :)

Yi Ling x

Thursday 22 May 2014


Here to rant.
Been at least 6 weeks since i last cried but i did today. All the anger, unhappiness and bottling up came bursting out today. Why? Because i quarrelled with my dad. Hate quarrelling with my loved ones. Even though i am supposed to be pissed, i just ended up crying. Its always the same, in my past two relationships too. It isn't that i meant to cry but tears just come falling down and i can't do anything to control lol. A way to say i'm upset i guess.

Just hoping for the best. Really wanna go overseas with my pals :'(

Yi Ling x

Friday 16 May 2014


I am really really happy today. Met up with the BFF and we literally rot the whole day away at the airport. Basically, our day was just eat - slack - walk - eat - eat - slack - walk. Hahaha love you to bits Teresa :-* Also, Ronald joined us for dinner and as usual, what a funny person to laugh at HAHAHA. I miss Chung Cheng so so so much :(

Our yummylicious dinner at Itacho Sushi and dessert at Coffee Club. Will never look at sushi in the same way after having sushis from this joint. What is Sakae? What is Sushi Tei? Haha.

Hello Ronald! Stop being so awkward so you can finally find a girlfriend.

Yi Ling x

I, really think I'm moving on. It scares me to say this but I really am happy, very happy on my own with people I love.

Embrace the new found freedom

Life has been good to me, always had. 
The privileges i get far exceed many around me and i am really grateful and appreciative. The smile on my face is getting more genuine as days go by and its getting more frequent, like how it used to be. 

I am starting to embrace the freedom i get as an unattached, single lady. Haha don't misunderstand me, by that, i don't mean being a thrashy loose cheap woman. By that, i mean i'm starting to enjoy the freedom i don't get when i was with S. 

That feeling came to me only recently, after that late night out singing K and playing mahjiong with the usuals, nothing harmful i can say even when you're attached. But S just didn't seem to like me doing all those. 
Now, i get to enjoy being wooed by some random guy from the cafe, i get to sleep at any time i wish, i get to go crazy hearing SHINee's new song, i get to talk to friends i love and most importantly, i get  to be happy on my own. 
I don't have to wait for anyone for food, i don't have to sleep only when someone sleeps, i don't have to cut back on so many so many things i love to do but i can't, i don't have to cry myself to sleep almost every night, i don't have to worry and always be wary, thinking when the "break up" word will appear again, i don't have to stress myself out on how i can please him and not be annoying. 

I love my life so much now. There isn't the kind of exhilarating happiness or excitement that i had but at least i don't have to cry almost every other day and be upset all the time. I seriously think being upset is very bad for health, don't you think so? 

It took me a long while after A to realised things and move on properly. But lucky me figured things out much earlier this time and moving on came to me a tad earlier than before :) 

Memories will only be a reminder and a learning lesson when you're moving on.

 S still appears now and then, maybe when i see a cookie flavour called honey bunny or maybe even some stupid sperrys boat shoes but memories are memories, its a mark telling you how someone was once in your life. I no longer wish for him to be back anymore, i no longer feel the ache every time i think of us and most importantly, i'm starting to look at people. I'm starting to be interested in guys again? Hahaha its true, i never once think of any guy in the romantic way when i was with S and that was for 2 whole years i may say. I can't even be bothered to talk to anyone other than him. At least i'm allowing people to show their interest in me now and its such a huge step for me :)

I'm just glad this lesson came to me when i'm still young and still have the energy and strength to make a comeback quick. It was a painful fall and it hurts so so so badly. But i'm starting to gather the pieces back and stand up strong! :)

Also, i can't wait to fall in love again. Like in love kind of in love. The hopelessly devoted kind *sigh (yes i'm a hopeless romantic) I have so much love to give and so much of me to offer so whoever is my prince charming, please come ride your white horse as fast as possible because i'm waiting *waves

Yi Ling x 

Thursday 8 May 2014

Late night thoughts

Its funny how when you have someone beside you, it seems like things will never work out. But when that someone leaves, you'll be left alone reminiscing all good that was left behind and forgetting every single reason why it didn't work out.

We often blame everything/everyone we could think of - your friends, my friends, time, place, situations, you or even me myself etc. But were we meant for each other in the first place? What if things didn't work out for a much better reason?

I think of you everyday. Its like you never leave my mind for a single sec, often lingering at one corner waiting for any opportunity to give me a little knock inside saying " Hey remember me? I'm your ex-boyfriend, the one you can't seem to get over no matter what. " And that, really sucks lol.

But oh wells, life goes on. I can't stay hung up on you and stay stagnant in life while everyone around me advance much quickly than i do. We've come to a stage whereby nothing can be changed, undone or reversed. I need to get my life back on track and the first step to doing so will be kicking that annoying voice of yours out of my head and start being me, happy me.

Yi Ling

An iced cold latte to combat the heat

Such beautiful sight 😍
Tell me who doesn't love coffee: )

Yi Ling x

Tuesday 6 May 2014


Had an embarrassing moment all because i am an IT noob. T.T

Yi Ling x

Its been awhile.

Hi there.
Its been 5 years since i last pended down my thoughts on a platform like this. I miss writing about everything that is happening in my life, i miss being able to express myself on my own space and i miss everything about having a blog.

And to why i'm starting to write again is because i recently came across a blog i had when i was 15. It held so much memories of mine and it shows how much i've grown as a person. It's nice looking back and reminiscing about the lost days :) So here i am, starting this diary journey of mine again :)

Okay so i had school from 3-5 today. My new PMKT tutor is really nice and i like her a lot. It makes me wanna work hard even more for this stupid module that i have to retake haha. The weather these few weeks is MADNESS. I hate how warm it is. Can Singapore snow already?:(

Yi Ling x