Monday 17 August 2015


Its scary how much things have changed in the past one year. Was talking to J before bed a few nights back and we're both agreeable that its time to take a step forward for both business and relationship. Expansion is coming in the near future for Kinsmen and we're going to BTO for a flat soon omgggg. So surreal but its all happening.
Differences are already rising towards our goal for the business but its inevitable and I'm glad we are able to talk things thru amicably. That 2 hours talk was so worth it :)
Marriage, Kinsmen and family business is actually all I think about now.(Okay, studies too)
I know my route ends with returning to the family business and helping my dad but lucky I am to be able to do something I love before reality hits.

Can't wait to see what does my life have in store for me yay.

Yi Ling x.

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